Calculation of Microstates
Term symbols are a shorthand method used to describe the energy, angular momentum and spin multiplicity of an atom in any particular state. The general form is given as: Where the letter L corresponds to the angular momentum quantum number and may be assigned as S, P, D, F, G ,…….for ILI = 0, 1, 2, 3,4,…. respectively. The superscript a is called the spin multiplicity and is equal to 2S+1 , where S is the spin quantum number (= 1/2*number of unpaired electrons). The subscript J corresponds to Russel-Suanders coupling and can have values from L+S, L+S-1, L+S-2, L+S-3….L-S . The number of microstates (N) of a system corresponds to the total number of distinct arrangements for ‘e’ number of electrons to be placed in ’n’ number of possible orbital positions. For a set of p orbitals n=6, since there are two positions in each orbital. Therefore, We can introduce the idea of a hole formalism which states that for many electronic...